I've had the wonderful opportunity the last three weekends to spend time in the deer woods with family and friends. And it's given me a renewed appreciation for this passion. Halloween weekend I met up with a friend that I met just this past fall and taped him on a Sat eve/Sun morning hunt in North Mo. We were on public land and never saw a single deer, but I had such a blast spending time in the woods with him and his buddy and witnessing amazing weather and beauty.
The first weekend in November, I traveled back to my folk's place and went out with my brother for another Sat eve/Sun morning run. Saturday night we were fortunate enough to see a flock of turkeys going to roost, but no deer showed up. That was still probably one of the funnest hunts I've been on with my brother though. We laughed and joked around and had a great time together sitting in a tree. Sunday morning we witnessed a beautiful fog/frost, heard and watched about 20 turkeys come off the roost and were fortunate enough to harvest a nice mature doe, capturing it all on camera - and we made it to church on time!!!
My brother Cooper was fortunate enough to harvest this mature doe and get the shot on camera. I'm so glad I was able to experience it with him! |
As we sat perched in that tree overlooking a beautiful pond and surrounded by massive trees and draws, I told my cousin there was nothing quite like sitting in a deer stand. He replied saying that was one of the things he loved most about hunting, was that it was one of the few sports that revered God by glorifying nature and creation. The sunrises, sunsets, towering oaks and passing clouds make for a beautiful panorama that only God could create. Being able to experience that is truly a blessing from above.
The big Kansas bucks didn't show themselves, but my cousin Brady and I braced extremes of unpleasant weather and enjoyed a great weekend in the stand together!!! |
But what really drives me to love this sport is simple: Family. Friends. And God's Great Outdoors.
Seeing God's handiwork displayed in creation is utterly breathtaking sometimes. Although I tend to get bored sitting in a deerstand, being able to witness this beauty is incredible! |
Until next time, you can find me off the beaten path and ridin for the brand!!!